What Is Orthodontics Treatment and What Is Orthodontic Treatment?

Orthodontics Treatment

Orthodontics Treatment is one of several dental specialties and involves incorrect alignment of teeth and jaws to improve their appearance. And more importantly, health and work.

Who is an orthodontist?

Orthodontists are called orthodontists

What is orthodontics?

It’s not just a way of moving/aligning misaligned teeth and enhancing both the function and appearance of the teeth. Your orthodontist will select the appropriate orthodontic treatment. depending on the problem you encounter. The job Orthodontics Treatment of an orthodontist is to prevent, diagnose and treat abnormalities in your mouth.

Why do you need braces?

Crooked and misaligned teeth are difficult to clean. Therefore, it is prone to loss from periodontitis and tooth decay. Such teeth also put stress on the masticatory muscles. This leads to headaches, shoulders, neck and back pain and TMJ disorders.

When do you want braces?

The most important step is to assess the current condition of the teeth and determine how the teeth will develop. Using diagnostic tools such as plaster casts, X-rays, clinical examinations and photographs, your orthodontist will determine if you qualify for orthodontics.

Even if you have one of the following conditions You are definitely the right candidate:
– Underbite: This is when your lower teeth stick out or your front teeth are too far behind.
– Overbite: the opposite of overbite.
– Open bite: open the gap between the milling surfaces.
– Spacing: gaps and spaces between teeth.
– Crowding: Too many back teeth to support the teeth.
– Crossbite: This is when your upper teeth are not in front of your lower teeth.
– Misaligned molar teeth: The upper and lower molar teeth are misaligned.

How does orthodontic work?

Braces require a variety of devices to maintain the mouth muscles, move teeth, and affect jaw growth. Either fixed or detachable These devices work by pressing against your teeth or jaw.

Fixed device:
– dental care
– room manager
– special fixed equipment

Detachable device:
– alignment
– Removable shelf
– Jaw alignment device
– Palate expander
– removable handle
– hat
– Protection against falling mouth/cheeks
– hat

How do you take care of your braces?

Impeccable oral hygiene has become the number one priority of braces. Remember to brush and floss twice a day and keep regular appointments with your dentist. Eating a balanced and nutritious diet is equally important. and limit your sugar intake.

Basic orthodontics

Considering your child’s dental health at this stage Dentists can actually predict what dental problems they will encounter in the future. so that treatment can be recommended before problems arise.

Children’s teeth frame 6-10 years old is still developing. This makes them more responsive to all types of treatments. Orthodontic treatment can ensure that the immature teeth remain in the correct position.

The benefits of early treatment

Initial dental assessments and orthodontics have several benefits:
• Dentists can better assess the dental problems children may face in the future.
• Prevent younger patients from having to go to more invasive and painful treatments later.
• Significantly improve children’s smiles and appearance.
• It serves to increase the confidence and self-esteem of young children and prevent them from feeling dissatisfied with their appearance.
• Dentists can teach children to stop habits that can harm their teeth, such as thumb sucking or tongue pressure.

Objectives of the Dental Assessment

Dental evaluation is not for children who need early orthodontic treatment. The aim is to assess the general dental well-being of children and parents. It is important for the family to establish a relationship with a dentist or orthodontist. so that in the future if they need help Parents or children will not hesitate to visit them and seek treatment.

Dental conditions that require early orthodontic treatment

Here are all dental conditions that can be effectively treated with early orthodontic treatment:

• crossbite
• open bite
• deep bite
• bite too much
• overcrowding
• Misaligned teeth
• The gap between the teeth.
• lost teeth

Basic orthodontics

If the orthodontist concludes that your child really needs orthodontic treatment, then treatment will be followed by a two-step process. The first step starts when your child is young and the second step when he is an adult and his permanent teeth are safe.

The reason for this two-way approach is that the dentist can correct all sides of the teeth in a timely manner. When teeth are still developing or fully grown

first phase

The first stage of orthodontics serves primarily to ensure that baby teeth grow in the correct position. Children do not develop bad dental habits, the jaw, lips, and teeth work smoothly and most importantly to ensure that they are properly maintained. No problems will arise in the future.

second phase

In the last step of orthodontics, The dentist will try to perfect the patient’s teeth. At this stage, the treatment will effectively use a more permanent solution that will last forever.

orthodontics and more

A wide range of dental services is available in a well-equipped and modern clinic. These take care of almost all dental problems such as cavities, gum problems, dental implants, dentures, cosmetic dentistry. and orthodontics for root canal treatment Orthodontics and many more. These are specific dental problems that are treated by specialists and specialized dentists. Orthodontics is one of the most common procedures.

What is orthodontics?

This was one of the earliest areas officially known in dentistry. Specialists in this field are orthodontists who offer treatment. Of course, general dentists practice orthodontics. But professionals will only work in their area of ​​expertise. This branch of dentistry deals with corrective surgery such as misaligned teeth, gaps in teeth.

protruding or crooked teeth Incorrect bites and many other problems, the main focus is on all types of dental relocations. with this treatment can control or adjust the growth of the face in orthodontics The patient’s teeth are beautifully restored to function properly. Orthodontics, in simple words, is to fix teeth with braces. The treatment will be extremely helpful in bringing back confidence and completely improving the appearance of the face.

age of treatment

Contrary to the myth that orthodontics should be done as a child. This treatment is suitable for all people of all ages. However, in children, treatment should not be given before the age of 12. In adults, orthodontic treatment corrects unwanted but natural tooth movements that appear to occur with age. The need to identify is the time when most of the permanent teeth appear. Therefore, the problem is calculated accurately. The sooner it is treated, the better because there is a higher chance of developing a healthy jawbone.

Treatment procedures and orthodontics

When you feel like it’s time to see your dentist Patients will receive an appointment in which a dentist will make a diagnosis. This post, treatment, dentist plans according to the nature of the discrepancy, complexity, and impact on the face. The doctor will consider the patient’s sensitivity and necessity when formulating the plan. Treatment is explained to the patient so that the decision to proceed with the procedure is an informed decision.

After panoramic X-rays and impressions, The patient will receive braces. There are many types of braces or braces available today. There are metal braces, tooth-colored braces, ceramic or tongue braces, behind-the-tooth braces, braces, etc. This allows patients to choose what they feel comfortable with. can type may be different But the purpose of the use is the same.


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