What are the Prominent Data Science Tools?

Data Science tools

Introduction to Data Science Tools:

Start-ups and major tech companies have developed numerous user-friendly data science tools in recent years. lastly, because data science is a complex process, these tools may be insufficient to complete the entire workflow.

Here, we’ll be discussing Data Science tools used for the various stages in a Data Science process, i.e.

  1. Data Storage
  2. Exploratory Data Analysis
  3. Data Modelling
  4. Data Visualization

Data Science Tools for Data Storage

Apache Hadoop:

Apache Hadoop is an open-source software framework that enables merchants to manage and store large amounts of data. It distributes data associated with processing procedures, making it a good solution for higher-level computing. If you wish to develop hands-on skills in the most prominent Data Science tool sets, Kelly Technologies Data Science Training in Hyderabad course can be of great help.

Here’s a list of features of Apache Hadoop:

  • Properly scale large data with thousands of Hadoop clusters.
  • Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) which is also used for data storage that distributes massive amounts of data across several nodes for distributed, parallel computing.
  • Other data processing modules, such as MapReduce, Hadoop YARN, etc., as well as Prelude’s functionalities, can be integrated.

Data Science Tools for Exploratory Data Analysis

Informatica Power Center:

The buzz surrounding Informatica is founded on the fact that its revenue has entered around $1 billion. Informatica has many products for data integration, but Informatica PowerCenter stands out because it proved to be such a valuable data integration tool.

Here’s a list of features of Informatica PowerCenter:

  • ETL (Extract Transform Load)-based architecture-driven data integration tool that gathers data from various sources.
  • It is used to extract precise information from several sources, transform it according to business operations, and after that load or deploy it right into a warehouse.
  • It also provides protocols to support cluster computing, recursive partitioning, load balancing, dynamic decomposition, and push for optimum performance.


RapidMiner is among the most popular tools for data science and places number 1 in the Gartner Magician Quadrant for Data Science Platforms 2017, and it is also among the top performers among predictive and Machine Learning in the G2 Crowd predictive analytics grid.

Here’s are some of its features:

  • A single server is used for storing and processing data, building Machine Learning models, and also deploying them.
  • The Rapid Miner Radoop module of Hadoop accommodates it seamlessly with its built-in function.
  • Modelling Managerial informatics functions using a visual workflow designer. It is also capable of generating predictive models through automated modelling.

Data Science Tools for Data Modelling


H2O.ai is the company behind open-source Machine Learning products such as H2O, which aims to make ML easier for everyone.

With roughly 130,000 data scientists and anywhere between 14,000 and 25,000 organizations that use the H2O.ai data science software, the community of H2O.ai data scientists and software users is markedly expanding. Moreover, H2O.ai is an open-source machine-learning package that better equips users to work with data modeling.

Here are some of its features:

  • The setup was built with the most popular Data Science programming languages, namely, Python and R, which make it easy to make use of Machine Learning due to the fact that a great deal of the developers and data scientists have experience with R and also Python.
  • It can also build the majority of the math models readily available, lastly Generalized Linear Models (GLM), Classification Algorithms, Boosting Machine Learning, and so forth. It also boasts support for Deep Learning.
  • Hadoop specialists can help incorporate Apache Hadoop to assimilate massive quantities of information.


Data Robot is an automated program, which allows the creation of highly accurate predictive models. It can be an effective tool in a number of Machine Learning tasks, such as cluster analysis, classification, and regression models.

Here are some of its features:

  • With parallel programming, it is possible to perform many connected data analysis, data modeling, validation, and so on simultaneously by using thousands of servers.
  • Data Robot’s ML Engine takes input and constructs a Machine Learning model at your direction at lightning speed. The program tests the models you create and compares them to find out which makes the most precise predictions.
  • Executes the entire Machine Learning process on a medium-to-large scale. It enables model evaluation to be efficient and effective by implementing parameter tuning and other model validation techniques.

Data Science Tools for Data Visualization


Tableau is the market’s most popular data visualization tool. It helps you reveal detailed unformatted data into a processable and understandable format. Tableau visualizations will help relate relations between the predictor variables.

Here are a few features of Tableau:

  • It can connect to both large and small-scale data sources, and it can also help in the visualize of big data sets in order to find correlations and patterns.
  • Using the Tableau Desktop feature, you can also make customized reports and dashboards to check current data.
  • The Tableau cross-database join function helps you create determined fields and unite tables for solving complex data-dependent problems.


More than 24,000 businesses use the visual data analysis software QlikView. It is one of the best data visualization tools for developing business insights.

Here are a few features of QlikView:

  • There is easy-to-read information for creating precise illustrated dashboards along with detailed reports that detail the information thoroughly.
  • The system provides in-memory data handling, producing dispatch and communicating the information very quickly to the users.
  • QlikView’s patented data association technology is a robust feature of it. It allows for the automatic detection of associations and also links in data.

What are Applications of Data Science?

Data science uses it in a wide range of ways, such as:

  1. Healthcare

Healthcare companies utilize data science to develop sophisticated medical instruments to detect and cure diseases.

  1. Gaming

Video and computer game developers are now using data science to improve their properties and are thereby taking video game play to an entirely new level.

  1. Image Recognition

Where there are patterns in digital images, data scientists are highly skilled in biology and other disciplines of household names.

  1. Recommendation Systems

Netflix and Amazon provide you with movie or item recommendations based on what you’ve already used, bought, or read on their platforms.

  1. Logistics

Logistics businesses rely on data science to identify the ideal shipping routes for quicker product delivery and improved operations.

  1. Fraud Detection

Banking and financial institutions are utilizing data science and algorithms for the detection of fraudulent transactions.

  1. Internet Search

When we think of searching for something, we’re almost certainly going to think of Google as the largest global example of the search we perform. Right? However, there are other search engines, such as Yahoo, Duckduckgo, Bing, AOL, Ask, and others, that use data science algorithms to provide the best results for our searched query within a few moments. Moreover, considering that Google handles 23 terabytes of data per day, there would not be just the ‘Google’ we know and love these days.

  1. Speech Recognition

Data Science techniques have dominated speech recognition. We tend to see the excellent work of these techniques in our day-to-day lives. Have you used a service like Siri, Alexa, or Google Assistant? Well, its voice recognition technology is working behind the scenes interpreting and evaluating your spoken input and providing you with useful results.

  1. Targeted Advertising

If you believe that Search is the most important Data Science requirement, remember this online advertising spectrum. From banners on websites to digital ads on transportation systems, mathematical algorithms are utilized to analyze nearly anything.


In conclusion, this article in the Posting Tree must have given you a clear idea of Data Science. Data Science is an interdisciplinary field that uses data to extract meaning and turn it into insights that can be used to improve decision making. Also, by understanding the data, you can also unlock its potential to inform your business strategies. Moreover, Data Scientists are in high demand, so if you have strong math and statistics skills, as well as an interest in using data to make better decisions, this could also be a great career path for you.


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