The Eight Steps of How to Make a Cover Page for a University Assignment.

The Eight Steps of How to Make a Cover Page for a University Assignment.

The cover page of your assignment is the first impression that you are giving to your reader. It gives them a glimpse of what you are about to read, and it also helps show your professor that you’re capable of doing more than just writing an essay. With these eight easy steps, you can create an outstanding cover page for your next English university assignment.


  1. Research the prompt
  2. Brainstorm ideas
  3. Create an outline
  4. Write a draft
  5. Revise your draft
  6. Edit your paper three times
  7. Add citations and bibliography
  8. Distribute and submit.

The Eight Steps of How to Make a Cover Page for a University Assignment.

The cover page of your assignment help is the first impression that you are giving to your reader. It gives them a glimpse of what you are about to read, and it also helps show your professor that you’re capable of doing more than just writing an essay. With these eight easy steps, you can create an outstanding cover page for your next English university assignment.

  1. Research the prompt
  2. Brainstorm ideas
  3. Create an outline
  4. Write a draft
  5. Revise your draft
  6. Edit your paper three times
  7. Add citations and bibliography
  8. Distribute and submit.

Brainstorming Ideas and Creating an Outline

The first step is to brainstorm ideas for your paper. What do you want to say? What are some interesting topics you can discuss? Try not to get too caught up in the process, just write down all of your thoughts and ideas.

Next, create an outline for your paper. It’s important that you know where you are going with your Essay Writing Help paper and what everything will be about before writing anything. This will also help keep your paper organized and give it a clear structure. Your outline should include: introduction, main points, conclusion, and references/works cited.

Step three is to write a draft of what you plan on writing in your paper. This will help show your professor that you have not only come up with an idea but that you can write as well!

Step four is to revise the draft of what you’ve written in step three until it’s perfect and ready to go! You might find yourself revising parts of the paper throughout the editing process when some new idea pops into your head or when something doesn’t make sense anymore so this is an important step.

Step five is to edit the entire paper again before going back to step four . And finally, steps six through eight are simply finishing touches like adding citations and bibliography and distributing and submitting it!

Drafting Your Paper

  1. Research the prompt
  2. Brainstorm ideas
  3. Create an outline
  4. Write a draft
  5. Revise your draft
  6. Edit your paper three times 7 Add citations and bibliography 8. Distribute and submit

Revising Your Paper

After your draft is completed, it’s time to revise. The revision process will happen in three phases. The first phase is editing the paper for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. The second phase is adding citations and bibliography. This includes citing sources throughout the paper that you used or borrowed from in order to back up your claims. The third step is adding in any images that may need to be added. Finally, prior to distributing and submitting your paper, you want to make sure that all of your revisions are done so that no mistakes are missed.


The cover page for a university assignment can be as simple or as complex as the professor needs it to be; however, each professor has a different style when it comes to what they expect on their cover page. For example, some professors only require a title and subject line while others require much more information such as an abstract, the body of the assignment, and the due date. That being said, make sure that you create a professional-looking cover page with plenty of attention paid to detail by following these eight easy steps:

1) Research the prompt – Examine what the prompt entails and find out what exactly they want on their cover page

2) Brainstorm ideas – Think about what design elements you think would be relevant to put on your cover page

3) Create an outline – Write down all of your topics in a rough draft format 

4) Write a draft – Fill

Editing Your Paper

Three Times

The most important step in creating your cover page is editing your paper to ensure that it meets the requirements of your assignment and that it’s as good as it can be. This will help you avoid plagiarism and make sure that you are following the formatting guidelines for your assignment. Editing takes time, but it’s worth the time.

Adding Citations And Footnotes

One of the best tips to remember as you are writing your paper is to add citations and footnotes. Citing your sources not only helps show that you know what you’re talking about, but it also provides credibility for your paper. The easiest way to do this is by clicking the citation button on the bottom-right corner of your Word document or in Microsoft Word 2013 click Insert Citation. This will insert a citation at the bottom of the page with information such as author, title, publication date, and page number. Adding citations also helps keep your paper organized. You can use citations for in-text references and endnotes as well.

Distributing And Submitting.

Distributing and submitting your completed assignment can be done in a variety of ways. The most common way is to print out the final paper and take it with you to your professor’s office, where you are responsible for turning it in. Other methods include printing the paper on a piece of white-board paper, and then taking that piece of paper to your professor’s office or emailing the completed assignment to your professor.

If you want to send the assignment electronically, there are many different ways you can do so. Ideally, students should have their own email accounts separate from their courses so that they will not get any unwanted emails from the university.

You can also choose to upload your completed assignment into DropBox or Google Docs. If you are sending the paper electronically, make sure that it is compatible with your professor’s electronic submission system.


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