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Ivermectin use to treat parasite-related conditions within your body.

What is Ivermectin? It is Ivermectin is an medication which was developed to combat instances of whipworm ordering within your system. Both of these...

Ivermectin is Best Medicine For Woman

Introduction I wrote about ivermectin last time here I'm now getting lots of questions regarding it that I'm having to revisit the subject. Though (I've...

The Surprising Health Benefits of Ginger

  You’ve probably heard that ginger has health benefits, but you may not know exactly what those benefits are or how they work in your...

COVID-19 is a risk factor for having stroke

They can happen quickly and no strokes can occur suddenly and without warning. Being aware of the risks can occur suddenly and without warning....

Long COVID 5 Big Questions to be Answered about Post-COVID Syndrome

Although COVID-19 symptoms can pass rapidly for some individuals, however, millions of people suffer persistent symptoms known as long COVID or the PASC (Post-acute...