Strategies for Teachers to Get Ready to Teach Next Year 2022

Online Education technology

Looks like it is the end of this year as 2022 is approaching in a blink of an eye. Undoubtedly, the past two years were full of uncertainty. The pandemic has reshaped the routine and the World. There were a lot of surprises and chaos globally, and none of us were ready. However, the abdomen and purpose of life, learning, and education were drastically compromised. All educational sectors closed their gates and switched to online learning. Not a single of us were ready for the change and very few adopted it, while most of us are still struggling. Consequently, many opted for do my online class services on the internet.

Teaching and learning online was never easy with so many distractions around. Teachers struggled to develop a subject interest in students, while students were not able to focus.

Educators were clueless and helpless with the revolution in the methods of teaching and education. Despite this, they performed valiantly and served as effectively they could.

We now have seen the improbable events and a smart individual would make himself prepared beforehand. As we move with the new academic year 2022, online learning will be dominating regardless of educational sectors opening worldwide. In the 2021-2022 school year, anxieties may be magnified as teachers and students are returning after more than a year. The comeback will have students with all new and different mindsets emotionally, socially, and academically. Teachers have to be patient and prepare to get ready to teach the next year 2022 with the following strategies!

Seek Balance Between Online and Physical Learning

Online learning was distressing for almost every student. Lack of interactivity, disturbed pace, improper structure, and communication barrier had an unsettling online learning experience. Mostly referred to as a “lonely” experience.

Moreover, the technological revolution played a vital role in transforming the education system to online. However, technology alone cannot make it effective and engaging. Schools and educators need to develop a plan for the curriculum, delivery, and seek the balance between online and physical learning. Maintain a synchronous and asynchronous learning environment with proper structure and flexibility.

Addressing Communication Barrier

It was not easy to make students familiar with communication channels like Google Classroom, Zoom, and other apps and calm them with the bewildering experience.

Albeit, the communication barrier can be addressed if teachers figure out what students want to learn from them – from content, from activities, and from peers. Establishing a Learning Management System (LMS) where all assessments, content, discussions, and progress are board, will be coherent for effective communication. Besides, teachers should establish a cognitive and emotional presence so students feel connected and participate effectively in online community learners.

Well-Designed Online Classroom

A well-designed online class is with collaborative interactions, activities, quiz games, and engaging videos, and creating personalized learning with expansive skills and projects. For greater interactivity, practitioners should implement the technologies like Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) – web-based stimulations. Case studies of real-world challenges engage students more effectively!

Teachers Must Get Fond of Technology 

COVID is a disguised blessing – the pandemic that developed and promoted digital literacy among educators and students. However, it was a real challenge for the teachers to adopt and implement technology and its tools in education. Yet, the delivered unexpected but still needs more preparation and learning on how to use technology in authentic ways.

In addition, teachers should make themselves familiar with LMS and other web applications to enhance student learning and manage to learn remotely. Get expertise on Education Technology (Ed-Tech) tools to create an assessment and track the progress of students while facilitating online learning.

Prepare A Pedagogical Repertoire 

Students stressing over disinterest in education seek class help online from experts to take their online classes. The reason for apathy is vulnerability during online classes and traditional methods of lectures. For teachers to teach well online, they need to develop a teaching repertoire full of mixed pedagogies that may include:

  • Abandon the hours of standing lecture recordings. Educate students with demonstrated lectures, presentations, and transmit information that develops concepts and skills.
  • Let students participate with cognitive models of learning like real-life case studies, experiments, open questioning, and metacognitive tactics.
  • Give students a chance to explain to their peers and be their teacher. Develop jigsaw techniques for an interactive environment with discussions and debates.

Instructions for Students

Besides the teachers, students also suffered from the online learning experience and being fond of technology. Learning technological tools is essential to being a successful online learner.

Various training programs like understanding LMS, web conferencing system, file management, etc. should be provided to younger students for using technology. However, students should also develop some digital skills and have some motivation, time management, and help-seeking abilities for positive online learning.

Hand Over Technology to Students

The major blockade in online learning is the illiteracy of the digital world and technology. It can be tackled by handing over technology to every student and creating a routine by establishing new attendance and grading policies. These policies are put in place for learning at home and in school.

Handing over technology to children and young students can be the abuse of technology. Correspondingly, parents should not overlook this matter and set up a schedule for them to avoid the abuse.

Workshops for Non-Conducive Homes

Parents play a chief role in the education of their children. Therefore, there are several families that are not English speakers and lack digital skills, unable to assist their children with online classes – a non-conducive learning environment. Educational sectors should offer a workshop for the parents of these students to teach them basic digital skills and guide them with techniques to evaluate their child’s progress.

Final Words!

The transition from physical classrooms to remote classrooms was an absurd experience for the teachers, students, parents, and educational sectors. Contrarily, teachers and students not only managed to survive the new normal but displayed valuable results and progress. However, the mentioned strategies for teaching in the year 2022 can enhance online learning in a very effective way.

All in all, developing digital literacy is essential to survive in the recent and upcoming times – a must-have skill for a successful future ahead!

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