Stop making this mistake for React Native app development

React Native app development
React Native app development

Mobile app developers are human too. Naturally, they can make mistakes. However, you can quickly learn about the kind of mistakes developers make when building React Native app development. With your unique ability, you can change as shortly as they begin to turn..


React Native holds a bunch to hang around when it arrives at the rumble. It has more than 1.6K providers which makes it a success. React Native is a framework with a bright, current, and future history. It has not run the looks of a developer who is straining to achieve favor in the field of cross-platform app development.


React Native thunders among app developers do not seem to be expiring at any given moment. Yet, the enterprise is expanding at a fantastic speed. Today, it is at a point where developers cannot avoid comparing Native and React Native app development methods.


Periodic updates of the framework for other refinements also push the demand. Unfortunately, this need is also limited. Ultimately, at a fundamental status, developers will require support knowing to conclude the method of creating projects that they obtain from customers like you.


Without a complete understanding of React Native, developers can make mistakes that will damage the user’s experience. It will even push enterprise owners who hire them to ask about their talents.


Now, your major objective is to operate your firm smoothly and secure that it increases, survives, and thrives. You have zero to do with app development. You just want to bring in a native application development company to oversee your project while focusing on your core business needs.


Yet, if you can reserve sufficient time to continue with this report, you will understand the errors that app developers can create. Armed with this information, you can view and point out all the errors in your developing team as they appear.


The love for React Native

Before we go into the details, here is a step-by-step explanation of why developers are in love with React Native.


  • Using JavaScript

Whenever anyone joins the globe of app development, they should begin with JavaScript. It is one of the first programming languages ​​they learn. Naturally, when your developers use this framework for React Native app development, they find an important similarity with the title.


In easy words, depending on React Native JavaScript decreases the understanding turn. 


  • Simple installation

Structures with a specific information function are usually offered. As long as there are no complicated steps involved in it, developers can complete the installation process easily.


In that regard, people of the native application development company can submit a draft through the Node package manager. If selected developers know JavaScript, they may apply React Native over time.


  • Cross-platform to the bone

When someone says that React Native is a framework for the development of a multi-platform application, he is not simply saying that it is for building mobile devices. Operating React Native, professional and skilled developers can make digital effects for smartwatches, smart TVs, VR headsets, and Windows devices.

Challenges of React Native app development


Now, it’s time to peek at the challenges associated with React Native app development.


  • Native developer dependency

This is particularly valid if they have to add grave analysis methods and functionality to apps.


These apps force developers to dismiss the computational element from the  React Native app development. Understandably, you will need the services of a development company that also hires native developers.


  • Abstraction layer stringencies

When it arrives at adding more functionality to apps created into React Native, your developers will require to establish a stable layer on the native platform. This abstraction layer is notorious for several persistent problems. You should take the necessary steps to avoid these problems in React Native app development.


  1. Identifying the problems your developers have to solve in the removal layer is a daunting task.


  1. It relies heavily on third-party libraries and services.


  1. Subject to the use of custom designs.


  • No support for multiprocessing

React Native has only one JavaScript series. As a result, engine development company developers may encounter reduced performance standards if they have to run several processes at once. This is one of the numerous important limits for React Native app development.



  • Difficulties in deploying iOS applications

When using React Native, developers are often frustrated because they can’t test the iOS device app for anything other than Apple’s Testflight. They require something more useful because they have to manage the problems of obtaining reserve profiles and compulsory certifications.


This problem is not available on Android, however. The method of downloading apps to Android devices is soft and hassle-free.

Mistakes to Avoid 

Lastly, this article will take you to the first topic of discussion – the mistakes your developers should avoid when building apps for React Native.


  • Incorrect estimation
  1. Version for Android and iOS versions– Despite the many reusable components, the layouts will be different. Of course, the layout of the app can be completely different for Android and iOS.


  1. Backend endpoints- If you ask your developers to build a web app, ask them to check the different sites that are offered in the backend. Since they will have to manage the logic of the app, they have to write everything correctly. They should assume about website design, how firms are still linked, etc.


  1. Forms – Your app developers should also limit the verification structure. If they are building something using React Native, they should write more code compared to creating mixed solutions in Cordova or something similar.


  • Incorrect redux store planning

When app developers find a new task, they can concentrate on the planning element of the app layout.  They will not have to worry so much about data management.


Educ helps maintain accurate data. It also makes it easy to manage the application configuration function. When correctly managed, it becomes a strong tool for handling app data. However, misconduct will ruin many things.


There is another point to be made – building a Redux app is not the best thing for small projects.


  • Not going through the codes of external modules

Application development specialists often try to save time by using external modules. It makes their tasks easier and faster, especially since they have the necessary documentation.


Yet, the issue with these modules is that they usually fall. It may not work as expected by the developer. That’s why you should request your developer team to go through the code. Ask them to treat this step as one of the best ways for React Native app development.


  • The “console.log” statements

All mobile app developers are aware of React Native benefits from console log statements. They also help remove errors in application performance. Yet, troubles start to disappear when developers exit log statements within the app.


This problem can be exacerbated in the future if your developers abandon the mind and give way inside. Asynchronous is very difficult as it often leads to JavaScript lines.


  • Not optimizing the images

Image editing in programs designed using React Native should be one of your developer’s priorities. It allows to resize photos locally and upload the same to cloud storage, such as S3 with a server and obtain a CDN link that they can recover using the API.


This technique will confirm that all photos upload fast. 



Making the above-mentioned mistakes will damage the user experience. If you decide to hire a company like Moon Technolabs, however, do not ignore these errors. 


Moon Technolabs is one of the leading app development company and software development companies you will find right now. Employers have also trained experienced developers who have worked on React Native projects for many years.


However, it is beneficial for you, the client, to be aware of these errors. If you work with Moon Technolabs, and if you find developers making one or more of these mistakes, you can report them immediately. However, such situations are rare. Do you want to relax easily at night knowing that your project is in skilled hands? If so, you should choose Moon Technolabs.


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