Homeschooling Vs. Traditional Schooling

Homeschooling Vs. Traditional Schooling


Despite its long history, homeschooling has seen a recent surge in popularity worldwide, including in India. Parents may opt to homeschool their children for various reasons, including the desire to spend more time with their children, the desire to teach certain subjects, or because their child cannot attend a traditional school due to a medical condition. There are multiple reasons parents choose homeschooling, and in this article, we will compare homeschooling and traditional schooling to understand what is best for your child. 

Features of Homeschooling

  • No Peer Pressure

There is no escaping that students in schools are subjected to a constant barrage of social pressures, competition, and bullying. Research indicates that peer pressure and other factors have a negative impact on school students’ self-esteem. On the other hand, self-esteem in homeschooled students can be controlled since their social circle is within the home and its surrounding areas. Homeschooled children also do not have the same pressure to “fit in” since they are already familiar with the people in their homeschool setting.

  • Customisable Coursework

The curriculum can be tailored to fit the needs, speed, and personality of the student who is being homeschooled. The areas of the child’s education in which they shine can be accelerated, while the areas where they struggle can be given more attention and resources. Parents have complete control over what and when their children learn. A customised schedule provides for an increase in learning and growth possibilities. 

  • More Promising Academic Results

A week or more in a traditional classroom can be covered in only a few homeschooling hours. Homeschooling enables quicker learning because students receive more personal attention and grooming due to a better student-teacher ratio. Homeschooled students prefer to study subjects with greater personalisation rather than the standard curriculum in schools.

  • Student-Teacher Relationship

The student-teacher bond is strengthened as a result of homeschooling. Due to shyness or other feelings, young people may not ask their teachers questions in class. As a result, a child’s academic performance is negatively impacted. But homeschooled students may be more comfortable confiding in homeschool teachers about their concerns and questions. In homeschooling, personal characteristics such as shyness or reluctance to participate are less likely to interfere with academic performance.

  • Values-Based Learning

Homeschooling allows parents to educate their children with values-based learning that may not be available in traditional schools. The importance of instilling family and social values in children during their childhood and teenage years is crucial and is one of the most significant benefits of homeschooling K-12. In traditional schools, the personal opinions and beliefs of the school management, teachers and other students may influence what your child is learning. Homeschooling can avoid this since parents decide what their child is being taught. 

Problems with Traditional Schooling

  • There is a more traditional curriculum where pupils are coerced into studying courses that they don’t want to learn at the same speed as their peers.
  • Peer pressure is a troubling part of a child’s life, and it’s more prevalent in traditional school settings, whether it’s about wearing the latest Air Jordans, fitting in, or dealing with bullies.
  • Each student’s particular needs are rarely satisfied by teachers who have dozens of kids on their list. A teacher managing 30-40 kids in a class will not be able to look after your child’s particular interest, which might lead to long-term issues. For example, suppose a child needs extra help with mathematics, and he cannot express it. The teacher might not be able to pick up on that, and the child will develop a fear of the subject. 
  • Your child can be a poor fit for the school because of the curriculum, the student body, or the way it is run.
  • Even though teachers strive to provide interesting lectures, one of the biggest drawbacks of traditional schooling is that passing standardised tests may take precedence over a student’s personal growth in the classroom.

Why Parents Prefer Homeschooling

  • Homeschooling is not bound by a set sequence or period. Homeschooling allows for a far more flexible timetable. Instead, courses can be tailored to the family’s needs, allowing for a more free and simple approach that takes into consideration days out, hobbies, clubs, and even vacations.


  • Many parents who have chosen to educate their children at home do so because they believe it is a more personal and intimate way to educate their children. It gives parents and children more time together, which is especially valuable during the tumultuous years of adolescence when parents and children need each other’s support the most. As a result of the decision, couples may get closer as they spend more time together working toward a common objective. More time spent together as a family during the child’s formative years is seen as a benefit by some families.


  • It is also a great option for youngsters who fail to learn or advance, especially if they have other school aversion or anxiety concerns. If a child has difficulty grasping a subject, the parent can devote more time to helping them understand it. There is less risk of misunderstandings being noticed or forgotten when one-on-one attention is provided. Furthermore, there are no curriculum or scheduling restrictions if a child looks to be excelling in a particular area. They may go to the next topic at their own pace.

Final Verdict

When compared to formal schooling, homeschooling offers several advantages. It allows parents more control and freedom over their children’s education, allowing them to follow a course of study they find more fulfilling. It’s much easier for students who have a special interest or strength in a particular area to take this path and design a course of study tailored to their individual needs. Making the most of your time with your children by homeschooling them is a wise and heartwarming decision. If you are looking for homeschooling in India, 21K School is the one for you. Being India’s first online only school, their focus is not just to give a child a conducive environment to excel in studies but also to give enough time and encouragement to explore many possibilities in life and Be More.


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