Explain Joint Hypermobility, Symptoms, Causes & Treatments


Musculoskeletal joints of the body produce normal range of motion and extend to typical limitations. However, in individuals with the condition of joint hypermobility, there is an evidence of increased range of motion in the affected joints. These joints are particularly flexible and rotate to uncertain directions without any difficulty. This condition is also termed as “double-jointedness”.  

Joint hypermobility may occur in children and adults alike with varying intensities. It is prevalent in female population. Most of the affected population may also remain as asymptomatic without any severe complications. If the hypermobility of the joints further progress to cause pain or associated tissue injuries then the condition is referred to as Joint Hypermobility Syndrome. Orthopedic surgeons in Hyderabad are the qualified doctors to clinically address and evaluate these conditions. 

Joint hypermobility may allow individuals to perform certain tricks with movements without any harm superficially. Some of the common movements include hyper-extension of thumb or hand. Pregnant women with this condition have particularly a difficult time due to changes in the ligament physiology. 


Clinical presentation of joint hypermobility may vary based on the age, gender and severity of the condition. The following clinical symptoms may help in early detection of hypermobility to effectively manage the condition.

  • A few or multiple joints are affected simultaneously.
  • Affected joints can stretch and extend beyond the normal limits like backward bending of the thumb joint. 
  • Associated chronic joint pain in case of overusing the affected joints. 
  • Significant joint discomfort and instability.
  • Partial or complete joint dislocations and subluxations. 
  • Underlying damage to the soft tissues associated with the affected joints such as ligament sprains. 
  • Clicking noises of the affected joints. 
  • Delayed development of motor and co-ordination skills in children. 
  • Poor body posture due to joint instabilities. 
  • Increased growing pains in children. 
  • Inflammation of affected joints and associated structures such as tendinitis. 
  • Generalized fatigue. 
  • Increased tendency to develop bone deficiency and neurological disorders. 
  • High chances of flare-ups. 

Comprehensive treatment choices for management of the condition may help in alleviating the symptoms to a prominent extent. Symptomatic relief is the first line of management while treating the affected joints.  


The causes of acquiring joint hypermobility depends on the different types such as localized joint hypermobility, generalized joint hypermobility and peripheral joint hypermobility. The causes are definitive and require a thorough clinical evaluation with patient history.  

  • Congenital defects. 
  • A strong familial history of connective tissue disorders like Ehler’s Danlos Syndrome. 
  • Genetic mutations on collagen formation. 
  • History of generalized inflammatory or degenerative diseases like osteoporosis and osteogenesis imperfecta. 
  • Decreased joint proprioception. 
  • Abnormal hormonal levels. 
  • Reduced muscular strength and tonicity associated with the affected joints. 
  • Abnormal anatomy of the bones.

Patient counseling services will help in better understanding the causes of developing hypermobility of the joints. While the causes are variable, the clinical presentation of the hyper-mobile joints is relatively similar. 


An orthopedic surgeon or a joint replacement surgeon in Hyderabad are the certified doctors to provide treatment options based on the clinical evaluation with physical examinations, joint assessments, imaging studies, genetic and blood tests. These doctors work alongside the general physicians to provide comprehensive care. Effective patient education on the characteristics of the condition, coping mechanisms and combination of therapies to manage the condition will be provided by the doctors. Avoiding the extensive movement of the affected joints is the first step to the rehabilitative recovery. 

Primarily the treatment focus is on the strengthening of the muscle groups adjoining the affected joints to restore joint instabilities. Physical therapy is the significant contributor in the successful management of the condition. Following a recommended and approved regimen of physical therapy sessions may help in controlling adverse complications. These sessions can be held at home or in a clinic set-ups based on the exercises such as low-impact, stability and endurance focused.  

If the hypermobility induces chronic joint pain then management with the over the counter pain relief medications and ointments may provide symptomatic relief instantly. Manual techniques such as joint approximation, TENS technique, application of heat and ice to the affected joints, taping/splinting/braces for support and other rehabilitative support. Chronic stress associated with this condition can be managed with help of psychological doctors.  

Additionally, prioritizing healthy lifestyle choices with inclusion of anti-inflammatory dietary choices, physical activities and weight management is helpful to control the inflammatory flare-ups. Ergonomic and posture friendly devices can be used in work spaces to maintain the symptoms. Supportive and functional clothing can significantly improve the condition. Daily monitoring of the symptoms, overall health status and flare-ups can help in determination of alternative treatments as needed. Regular follow-ups with the orthopedic doctors as scheduled is mandatory to prevent additional complications. Surgical options can be recommended based on the necessity, failure of conservative options, and the severity of the joint hypermobility. 



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