Compress PPT Presentations Online


PowerPoint is a presentation software developed by Microsoft. It was first released in 1987, but it has been continuously improved since then and is now an incredibly popular tool for creating digital presentations.

PowerPoint is one of the most popular presentation tools in the world, but you can use it to create far more than just slideshows! You can also make videos with it, which is useful if you want to upload your slideshows onto YouTube or other video sites.

How to reduce PPT size online?

To compress and reduce your PPT files online, you need to use PDF Converter is a free tool that allows users to compress any type of file and reduce its size instantly. You don’t have to install any software or browser extensions. Simply go through the steps below:

  • Click on the ‘Upload’ button on our homepage and select your PPT file from your computer or cloud storage (Google Drive, Dropbox, Box).
  • After uploading it, click on the ‘Compress File’ button at the bottom of your screen. The compression process will take some time depending on how large your file is in size, but rest assured that once it’s done we’ll show it to you so that if everything goes smoothly we can download all compressed images together into one zip archive which contains both compressed images as well as original ones for reference purposes later down line if needed.”

Compress your PPT presentation

Compressing a PPT presentation is an easy way to save space, especially if you’re planning on sharing it online. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to compress your PPT document so that it’s as small as possible.

First, open up the file in PowerPoint and choose File > Save As. In the dialog box that pops up, select “Save for Web” from the dropdown menu next to Format and click OK. If you’re working with an older version of PowerPoint (such as 2010), select Compress Pictures instead.

Next, choose a compression level from 0%–100%. The higher the percentage means more compression but worse image quality—it looks more pixelated after being compressed because fewer pixels are used overall. 100% will always produce good quality images while also reducing file size considerably; however, some people may prefer lower percentages if they want their presentations to look less distorted when viewed online or printed out at low resolutions such as 72 dpi (dots per inch). You can play around with different levels until you find one that works best for your needs!

Open the PDF file

Open the PDF file. You can do this in several ways:

  • With a PDF reader. A PDF reader is software that allows you to view and interact with documents that have been saved in the Portable Document Format (PDF). Most computers come with pre-installed PDF readers, but if yours doesn’t, you can download and install one from Adobe or another developer.
  • With a PDF editor. A PDF editor is similar to a word processor in its capabilities; it has a text box at the top of the screen where you type text and press Enter to start new paragraphs or sections, just like Microsoft Word does when you finish writing your sentences; however, instead of typing on paper with ink or typing onto a screen using electricity as ink (in other words: electricity), this program takes advantage of an optical character recognition system which converts images into text files readable by humans so that no matter what kind of computer monitor or mobile device someone might be using, they’ll still be able to read any document without having trouble reading anything due to poor image quality caused by low resolution cameras back then when cameras were first invented during WWII times when people didn’t really know how technology worked yet since there weren’t many televisions available back then either until after World War II ended…

Choose a compression level. (lower for better compression)

  • Choose a compression level. (lower for better compression, higher for smaller file size)
  • The higher the compression level, the more time it will take to compress the file.

Smallpdf will now compress the file.

Smallpdf will now compress the file.

You can see the progress in our status bar, which is located at the bottom of your screen. It takes a few seconds to complete this task.

After that, you’ll need to click on “Generate PDF” and save it somewhere safe – like your desktop or documents folder (depending on how long you want to keep it). You can also send it as an attachment via email if needed!

That’s it! You’ve successfully compressed your powerpoint files.

That’s it! You’ve successfully compressed your powerpoint files.

Now, you can send your file to anyone and upload the file to any website with ease.

You can also email the file to anyone without worrying about them not being able to open it or experiencing issues while viewing your presentation online.

Learn to compress your PPT presentations with Smallpdf in less than two minutes

Smallpdf is an online tool that can compress your PPTs by a large margin. It’s free to use, and it offers a variety of compression levels—so you have control over what size you’ll end up with.

The best part? Compressing your PPTs with Smallpdf takes less than two minutes. You’ll be able to upload them directly from PowerPoint and then choose the compression level that works best for you. Once that’s done, click “Compress File(s)” and wait patiently while the magic happens!

Smallpdf isn’t just fast; it’s also reliable: with 99% accuracy across all upload types (including PDF files), this tool will take care of any new or existing documents alike—and at a blazingly fast rate too!


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