If you suffer from chronic back pain, consider surgery to relieve the discomfort. There are several types of back surgery, including disc replacement surgery. It is where you replace damaged vertebrae with artificial discs. Before you decide to have this type of surgery, you must know if you’re a good candidate for it.
Below are the signs that you are a good candidate for disc replacement.
You’re in Good Health
One sign that you may be a good candidate for disc replacement surgery is if you’re in good health overall. The best candidates for disc replacement are those healthy enough to undergo general anesthesia and endure an invasive surgical procedure. People who have heart disease, diabetes, or obesity may not be ideal candidates for this type of surgery.
You Have Tried Other Treatments without Success
You’ve been living with back pain and have tried all other courses of treatment, but they didn’t help much. In that case, you may be a good candidate for disc replacement surgery. It would help if you had no plans to get pregnant soon. But, getting pregnant could cause problems for your artificial disc. If you’re currently pregnant, it’s best to wait until post-pregnancy to have surgery.
You Suffer from Back Pain, Leg Pain, or Both
Chronic back pain can make life difficult. It’s because it makes even the simplest movements painful and difficult. You are moving your body throughout the day and night. When there is a problem with your spine, this can cause discomfort in other body areas, such as your legs or arms. If you suffer from this type of pain, you may be a good candidate for disc replacement surgery.
If the Cause of Your Pain Is Degenerative Disc Disease
Degenerative disc disease (DDD) is when the discs in your spine begin to deteriorate. The disc can also break down with age. This is one of the most common indications for disc replacement surgery.
DDD causes your spine’s discs to wear down over time. This can become painful. Disc replacement surgery can help reduce this pain. This is by replacing the damaged disc with an artificial one. The replacement allows your spine to be more mobile than before.
You Have an Active Lifestyle
If you’re still young and active, choosing a more invasive alternative surgery could be good. The best alternative is disc replacement surgery. It is more significant than total disc fusion. With total disc fusion, you will lose movement in your spine forever. Whereas with disc replacement surgery, you can maintain your range of motion. Total disc fusion can make you stay active for years to come. If you want to stay active and engage in sports and hobbies, disc replacement is appropriate.
If You Are Not Overweight
If you are overweight, losing weight before surgery is a good idea. It can help prevent complications. It can also improve the chances of achieving a good outcome. Before surgery, the doctor may ask you to lose weight.
Disc replacement surgery is not recommended for people who are overweight. If you have excess body fat, it can interfere with the implant’s function. People who are overweight may also have other conditions like high blood pressure. These complications can complicate the healing process after surgery. But, if you have low body fat, there’s a good chance that you will respond well to treatment. If you have gained weight in response to pain, disc replacement may also help.
Your Symptoms Are Impacting Your Quality of Life
Your symptoms can be so severe that they affect your ability to work or enjoy life. This is another sign that you may be a good candidate for disc replacement surgery. Your surgeon will check your symptoms and how they impact daily activities. This is to determine whether surgery is an appropriate treatment option for you.
In Summary
Disc replacement can provide relief from pain and discomfort. One or more damaged discs cause pain in the spine. Damaged discs can cause back or neck pain. This is because they lose their cushioning ability and allow bones to rub against each other. The friction causes localized discomfort or radiating pain. Discs may also flatten out or collapse. The collapse results in more pressure on nearby nerves and pain throughout the body. Disc replacement is an option if nonsurgical treatment has not helped your condition.