10 Effective And Best Tips To Manage Anxiety And Stress


Out of all mental health issues, stress and anxiety are experienced by us on an everyday basis. Stress and anxiety are the most common mental health issues, it’s a fact that it affects millions of people around the world. The question is, what do we generally do to manage stress and anxiety? Nothing…right? Because we have never prioritized our mental health as we do our physical health.

The fact is that mental health is equally important as physical health and they both are co-related to each other. Therefore, it is quite important to focus on both so that you can stay active, healthy, calm, and peaceful. In this blog, I have covered the 10 best and most effective tips to manage stress and anxiety. So, let’s get started.

10 Effective Tips to Manage Anxiety and Stress


Meditation is the best way to de-stress or remove anxious thoughts from your body and mind. Meditation can also be combined with mindfulness. Mindfulness means living in the present moment. Additionally, meditation can also be used to fight other mental health issues like depression, social anxiety, and more.  However, if you’re starting meditation, be regular, even if you’re doing it for a short time; make sure it is helping you in boosting your mood.

2.Practice Yoga

Yoga is known to be the oldest practice for reinstating the mind and body to a calming and peaceful state. If you’re new to yoga or are a beginner, you can begin this peaceful journey by joining online classes, nearby classes, or watching videos available on YouTube. You can begin with light yoga and can gradually move on to the heavy sessions of yoga.

3. Exercise or Walk

Daily exercise or just a simple 10-minute nature walk can help you in de-stressing and removing anxious thoughts from your mind. If you’re into exercising, you can try doing simple exercises that make you happy or helps you in grounding. If you wish to go for a walk, make it a regular practice, and search for a serene or peaceful place wherein you can go for a walk.

4. Try aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is another best way to de-stress, remove your worries, vanish negative thoughts, and more. You can use aromatherapy in the form of candles, wax, scents, essential oils, and more. Aromatherapy is the oldest form but it is trending because of its healing and soothing properties. You can try aromatherapy with your favorite aromas like lavender, sandalwood, tea tree oil, and more.

5. Focus on a healthy and nutritious diet

As I mentioned above physical and mental health are co-related to each other. Therefore, you can also take care of your mental health and regular mental health issues by focusing on a healthy and nutritious diet. Try to avoid bad fats and include foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and other important nutrients. If you wish, you can also contact your Nutritionist to prepare a diet plan according to your mental and physical health needs.

6. Avoid excessive digital usage

Digital usage should be limited because scrolling unnecessarily on social media not only passes our time but it also impacts our mental health. Not only this, but it also makes us feel lethargic which fuels our anxiety and stressful thoughts. Therefore, limit your digital device usage and try mindfulness to be present in the current moment.

7. Seek “me-time”

If you’re overworked or overscheduled and if this is fuelling up your everyday stress and anxiety, you can try seeking some “me-time” for yourself. To seek time for yourself, you don’t have to cancel your meetings or take a day off, just simply take a little coffee break for yourself so that you can focus on yourself and gather energy to be back again at work with full resilience power.

8. Practice self-care

Before heading to work or after coming from work, take out some time to practice self-care activities. Self-care activities are a proven way to reduce anxious thoughts, stress levels, and other mental health problems. You can begin self-care with a nature walk, taking a de-stress bath, lighting aromatic candles, reading a self-help book, preparing a nutritious meal, practicing a hobby, and more.

9. Spend time with people who motivate you

Being surrounded by the people who motivate us, support us, and encourage us to do better is the best thing to do to de-stress yourself from a hectic day. You can connect with your partner, talk to your family members, chill out with your friends, and cuddle up with your spouse. The idea is to communicate your feelings and to feel supported and loved.

10. Cuddle

It’s a scientific fact that cuddling or hugging can help in resolving mental health issues. Therefore, you can cuddle with your partner and tell them how grateful you are to have them. you can also cuddle up with your pet, play with them, or talk to them. It will boost up your mood instantly and will provide you with a feeling of calmness and peace.

I hope this blog helps you with the 10 effective and best tips/strategies to manage anxiety and stress on a regular basis.

Thanks for reading!


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